Dardanelle First Baptist Church.

Pastor Carl's Devotional

Take the time to capture one of Bro. Carl Fair’s devotional to you. Let it be and encouragement in your life…
Pastor Carl Fair

Devotional 12/8/2021

  • December 7, 2021
  • Carl Fair
  • 2:24 pm
Welcome. My name is Bro. Carl Fair and I am the current Senior Pastor for First Baptist Church Dardanelle. I hope these articles are a blessing to you and encourage your walk with Jesus.

Proverbs 27: 5-6

Today’s text is wisdom at its finest. It speaks of two different kinds of relationships. It speaks about honesty and love in relationships.

1) It speaks of real, true, genuine, quality, loving relationships, where someone who truly loves me, will speak truth into my life. That is so valuable! Because see, truth is not always pleasant.. But truth in love, IS always kind.. and beneficial.. even when it stings.. Especially when it’s from someone who loves me.. someone who will tell me the truth – both the pleasant and the ugly..

2) it also speaks of a relationship where someone pretends to love me to my face, but does not love me when I am not around. Hypocrites.. There are these people in my life and yours. What do we do?? Answer: We can be faithful by praying for them.

Hello? Now… what about me?? Which am I?? I can not change anyone else, but I can allow God to change me… So.. today friends, let’s allow God to examine our own hearts, and root out any dishonesty in me. Above all, to help us love others, to speak truth in love, and be watchful and diligent in our words, and actions, both when they are present and absent.

Father, here we are again, needing your help. Thank you for your faithfulness. Thank you for your Words in scripture that speak truth into my life. Help me today, to be an instrument in your hands, and not allow my flesh and the enemy to use me for destruction. Thank you for Jesus, who took all my sins away…

Verses 5-6 Better is open rebuke than hidden love. Faithful are the wounds of a friend; profuse are the kisses of an enemy.

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