Dardanelle First Baptist Church.

Pastor Carl's Devotional

Take the time to capture one of Bro. Carl Fair’s devotional to you. Let it be and encouragement in your life…
Pastor Carl Fair

Devotional 1/19/2022

  • January 18, 2022
  • Carl Fair
  • 9:25 am
Welcome. My name is Bro. Carl Fair and I am the current Senior Pastor for First Baptist Church Dardanelle. I hope these articles are a blessing to you and encourage your walk with Jesus.

Isaiah 26: 3

There are many things today that have the potential to steal our joy and our peace, but only if we allow it. What do I mean? Do you know that person? You know, the One who is not shaken. The one who, even when their world is falling apart, is the one who reassures everyone else. The one who trusts in the Lord. See, peace is an inner thing. There must be something “in” us, to allow peace to remain unshaken, in those hard times. Because those times will come. Maybe you’re in that time right now.

There are two things in our text this morning:

1) “whose mind is stayed on you..”

2) “he trusts in you.

“That, my friend, is the recipe for peace. When you renew your mind daily, allowing Christ to fill your mind daily, to remind you, first, of who He is, then reminding you who you are in Him. Only then, can you really trust in Him.

Father, help us today, to trust you. Fill us with your spirit, who will allow your peace to take root in our souls. Thank you for sending Jesus to take our sins away.

Verse 33 – You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.

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