Dardanelle First Baptist Church.

Pastor Carl's Devotional

Take the time to capture one of Bro. Carl Fair’s devotional to you. Let it be and encouragement in your life…
Pastor Carl Fair

Devotional 2/3/2022

  • February 2, 2022
  • Carl Fair
  • 8:58 am
Welcome. My name is Bro. Carl Fair and I am the current Senior Pastor for First Baptist Church Dardanelle. I hope these articles are a blessing to you and encourage your walk with Jesus.

Ecclesiastes 7: 9

We see it all around us today. Angry people. And it seems that it rises up quickly. According to God’s Word, here in Ecc 7, it is the fool who allows anger to rise quickly. It says “anger lodges in the bosom of fools”. The indication is, that it’s already there, just waiting to lunge out at someone or some circumstance. Many times, it leaps out on those we love the most.

Does anger dwell in you? It seems to me that anger and joy are opposing forces. So the better question may be. Does joy live in you? Have you allowed the Holy Spirit to exchange your anger for His joy? If we truly understand how sinful we are, and how Holy He is, and what Jesus did for us on that cross,… how in the world can we allow anger to rise up in us? Let me encourage you today, my friend. Seek Christ and His great love for you.

Father, we need you again today. Help us to be Christ-like. Don’t allow us to spew anger on those around us. Root it out and replace it with your love and joy and peace. Thank you for Jesus, who took my sin away.

Verse 9 “Be not quick in your spirit to become angry, for anger lodges in the bosom of fools.”

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