Dardanelle First Baptist Church.

Pastor Carl's Devotional

Take the time to capture one of Bro. Carl Fair’s devotional to you. Let it be and encouragement in your life…
Pastor Carl Fair

Isaiah 26:8

  • December 9, 2024
  • Carl Fair
  • 3:05 pm
Welcome. My name is Bro. Carl Fair and I am the current Senior Pastor for First Baptist Church Dardanelle. I hope these articles are a blessing to you and encourage your walk with Jesus.

In our text this morning, Isaiah was writing in a time of judgment of his people. Even in the midst of judgement, Isaiah had his mind on the future of Christ’s 2nd return and ultimate restoration of His land and people.

Today, we are under God’s judgment. The signs are clear. God is just. And we wait.. we wait, because we have read the end of the book! Even in the midst of judgment, we can wait expectantly. We can wait in peace. We can wait in humility. We can wait. But oh.. while we wait, let us be the light in a dark world…. While we wait, let us be the salt of the earth. While we wait, let us obey. While we wait, let us be about our Father’s business, in a time of God’s judgment. Won’t you join us as we wait? His name and His remembrance are the desire of our soul. That’s why we wait with joy. That’s why we gather. That’s why we worship. He is worthy to be worshiped. I hope you have a great time today waiting and being the salt and light for His glory!!

Verse 8 “In the path of your judgments, O LORD, we wait for you; your name and remembrance are the desire of our soul.”

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