Dardanelle First Baptist Church.

Pastor Carl's Devotional

Take the time to capture one of Bro. Carl Fair’s devotional to you. Let it be and encouragement in your life…
Pastor Carl Fair

James 5:20

  • December 9, 2024
  • Carl Fair
  • 3:04 pm
Welcome. My name is Bro. Carl Fair and I am the current Senior Pastor for First Baptist Church Dardanelle. I hope these articles are a blessing to you and encourage your walk with Jesus.

Who needs you today? Who is it, in your life, who has wandered off? Who is it, who needs someone to lift them up… Someone to encourage them? Someone to not give up on them? Our text today, reminds us of those people. You know… the wanderers… Every so often, I have to ask myself… do I care enough? Do I care enough to reach out to them? And then, I am reminded by texts like this one, of the eternal nature of our lives, as followers of Christ Jesus. After all, isn’t that what He did? He cared for the wanderers… The woman at the well… The woman caught in sin… The man at the pool… The blind man… The lame man…

Father… help me today. I need your Spirit to rise up in me. Make me more like Jesus. Help me and my friends to have compassion on the wanderers. Remind me of who I am in Christ. Thank you for Jesus, who saved a wanderer like me, and took my sins away…

Verse 20 “let him know that whoever brings back a sinner from his wandering will save his soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins.”

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