Dardanelle First Baptist Church.

Category: Daily Devotional

Devotional 2/22/2022

1 Chronicles 16: 11 In our text today, King David had just brought the ark of God into the tent that he had prepared for it. God’s presence and His…
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Devotional 2/18/2022

Jonah 2: 2 Jonah was in trouble. It was his own fault. He was not going the direction God wanted him to go. He was disobedient. He was selfish. He…
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Devotional 2/17/2022

Zephaniah 3: 17 Today’s Old Testament verse reminds us of God, who celebrates when His people return to Him. Can you imagine that? He is Holy. He is Mighty. He…
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Devotional 2/16/2022

1 John 3: 1 Why? Why would God, who’s very nature is holiness.. Who’s name is above all names.. He is GOD! Why would He even allow sinful, rebellious, ungrateful…
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Devotional 2/15/2022

Isaiah 32: 17 Three words stick out in our text this morning…– Righteousness…. the quality or state of being morally correct, or justifiable.– Peace…. internal tranquility; freedom from disquieting or…
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Devotional 2/14/2022

1 Corinthians 13: 4 “Love” A word we often throw around to mean many things. What is “love”..? We use it to describe our delight for apple pie. We use…
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Devotional 2/11/2022

John 13: 34 The “mark”. In John 13:34, Jesus is speaking to all His apostles, after supper, right after He had washed their feet. But this is after Judas had…
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Devotional 2/10/2022

Psalm 136: 1-3 It seems we have the same thing written here three times. But on closer examination, we see three different expressions of who God is. Three times he…
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Devotional 2/9/2022

James 1: 5 Today’s text was written to believing Jews, who were scattered because of persecution in Jerusalem. There were in hard times. If there is one thing that believers…
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Devotional 2/8/2022

Titus 1: 15-16 I am deeply troubled by today’s text. Something deep down in my soul hurts. It speaks of two kinds of people. They are separated by acceptance or…
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